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Forecasting EB-2/EB-3 Green Card Filing Dates - Machine Learning Model

In this blog post, we'll explore the process of forecasting Green Card filing dates using a simple linear regression model in Python. By analyzing historical data from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), we can use basic machine learning techniques to predict future filing dates. I will walk you through the process step-by-step. Gathering Data:    To begin our journey, we need to gather relevant data. You can collect data from USCIS or other trustworthy sources. This dataset should include essential information such as the visa category, country of chargeability, and the final action date for each month. For this use case, I collected data manually from USCIS visa bulletin for India EB-2 and EB-3 categories. Data looks like this - Visa bulletin - Building the Linear Regression Model:    Using Python libraries like scikit-learn, we can construct our linear regression model. This simple yet powerful algorithm will help us forecast Green Card...

IP Reputation: Why It Matters and How To Improve It

IP reputation is a crucial aspect of managing online security and deliverability, particularly for businesses that rely heavily on email marketing or host web services. An IP address, similar to a personal credit score, carries a reputation score which can significantly impact how email services, security systems, and potential customers perceive the reliability and safety of your communications. A poor IP reputation often leads to emails being blocked or marked as spam, reducing the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns and potentially harming business relationships. Improving your IP reputation involves a combination of best practices. Regularly monitoring your IP address against blacklists can help you take swift action if your IP is compromised. Employing stringent security measures such as implementing SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records will enhance your email authentication, making it harder for spammers to misuse your domain. IP reputation can impact legitimate business operators...

AEM Clientlib Versioning

AEM Clientlib Versioning Clientlib versioning allows  CSS  and  javascript  which is served by aem clientlibs to be cached for a very long time which in turn reduces the page load time of the website and improves performance. It has various benefits like - Longer TTL for cached client libraries. Improved web and site performance by reducing page load time. No more inconsistent data from the normal client library. How it works - It uses Sling Rewriter to rewrite the cl i ent libraries and append a unique MD5 value at the end of the client library URL. This url get cache later. This MD5 value is unique for the code of ClientLibs.  If there is a modification in code or ClientLibs, a new MD5 value will be generated and appended to the client library URL this allows it to recache. Steps to create Clientlib  version : Login to   http://localhost:4502/crx/de/index.jsp Go to /apps/<your-project>/config  Create a nt:unstructured folder by name it as ...

AEM 6.3 - How to extend Granite UI

Here in this article, I am going to explain how to extent Granite UI that is basically used to create AEM 6.x consoles. There can be various use cases where in you may need that. In our case, author wants to take all the page creation requests through AEM instead of email communication. Authors are basically looking for a form in AEM authoring console so that requestor can login and submit page creation/Asset upload request. Overall requirement is - Need a link in Navigation so that author can click on it and go to a Intake form. Author must be able to fill and save the intake requests. Author must be able to see the history of submitted intake requests Able to see the details of submitted intake requests. Solution - 1. Create a following structure - /apps/cq/core/content/nav/form and add the details given in below screenshot - You basically need to add - href, title and icon. Href is the path of page where user will land on clicking it.  Af...

AEM 6.x Parsys size issue - height 0px

Solution -  Add following entry in your page template - data-sly-include = "/libs/wcm/core/components/init/init.jsp" data-sly-unwrap />

Create Your Own Private Ethereum Blockchain

Prerequisites You need to have Geth installed. The easiest way to do this is through homebrew. Open Terminal and  install homebrew ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL" 2. Now  install geth brew tap ethereum/ethereum brew install ethereum Create Genesis File The Genesis  block  is the first block in the chain, the Genesis  file  is a JSON file that defines the characteristics of that initial block and subsequently the rest of the blockchain. Create a directory to hold your network files mkdir my-eth-chain cd my-eth-chain 2. Create your genesis file touch myGenesis.json 3. Open your genesis file and paste the following { "config": { "chainId": 1994, "homesteadBlock": 0, "eip155Block": 0, "eip158Block": 0, "byzantiumBlock": 0 }, "difficulty": "400", "gasLimit": "2000000", "alloc"...