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Showing posts from October, 2016

Getting Service Resource Resolver in AEM 6 [Copied from Code lit]

From AEM 6 usage of admin session and admin resource resolver have been deprecated. Now we should use service resource resolver API to retrieve the session. Below are the steps Creating System users 1.        Go to  http://<<host>>:<<port>>/crx/explorer/index.jsp 2.        Click on user administration 3.        Click on create system user 4.        Enter user id.   You can create any number of system users based on your requirement. A typical use case is to have two separate system users, one for read operation and another for write. You may want to further sub categorize and create role oriented users. Once system users are created, assign them permission according to their roles or categories. Assign user mapping 1.        Go to felix bundle console 2.        Find  configuration 3.        Add a new entry in below format – 4.        bundleId:subserviceName = systemUser 5.        Write a service whi

AEM 5.6 to 6.1 Upgrade

AEM upgrade - CQ 5.6.1 to AEM 6 Prerequisites •         You must have n ew AEM 6.X installation jar •         Create a p roduction Server Replica with similar content and configurations to existing CQ 5.6.1 environment so that you can test the upgrade changes. •         Create a seperate n ew Code branch for 6.X code. •         Make performance testing scripts ready . Steps to Upgrade 1.        Repository Upgrade AEM 6.1 doesn't support crx2 and requires content migration to Oak repository. There are several ways to do it Package deployment. – If repository volume is not too high (up to 30 GBs), package deployment is the most easy and simple way to migrate content. Use crx2oak tool - Use this if content volume is high. Will cover steps for this tool in another post. For this post I'll assume that repository migration is done using packages. 2.        Cleanup before starting the upgrade •          Backup and delete workflow launchers and sling Jobs - This will prevent workflows