AEM Clientlib Versioning Clientlib versioning allows CSS and javascript which is served by aem clientlibs to be cached for a very long time which in turn reduces the page load time of the website and improves performance. It has various benefits like - Longer TTL for cached client libraries. Improved web and site performance by reducing page load time. No more inconsistent data from the normal client library. How it works - It uses Sling Rewriter to rewrite the cl i ent libraries and append a unique MD5 value at the end of the client library URL. This url get cache later. This MD5 value is unique for the code of ClientLibs. If there is a modification in code or ClientLibs, a new MD5 value will be generated and appended to the client library URL this allows it to recache. Steps to create Clientlib version : Login to http://localhost:4502/crx/de/index.jsp Go to /apps/<your-project>/config Create a nt:unstructured folder by name it as ...
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