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Showing posts from April, 2024

IP Reputation: Why It Matters and How To Improve It

IP reputation is a crucial aspect of managing online security and deliverability, particularly for businesses that rely heavily on email marketing or host web services. An IP address, similar to a personal credit score, carries a reputation score which can significantly impact how email services, security systems, and potential customers perceive the reliability and safety of your communications. A poor IP reputation often leads to emails being blocked or marked as spam, reducing the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns and potentially harming business relationships. Improving your IP reputation involves a combination of best practices. Regularly monitoring your IP address against blacklists can help you take swift action if your IP is compromised. Employing stringent security measures such as implementing SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records will enhance your email authentication, making it harder for spammers to misuse your domain. IP reputation can impact legitimate business operators