Create SC Framework and mapping
1. Click in cloud service
2. Click on ‘Adobe Site Catalyst’
3. 3.Add configuration. After clicking create, it
will ask for username and password. Please provide same credential which you
will use for connecting the omniture site.
4 4.Create Framework for defining the mapping.
5 5. Define mapping between CQ and Site catalyst
variables. Before doing this mapping, CQ variables should be created in
‘test\pages\base’. Note - Site catalyst variables are created at Omniture.
Define CQ variables –
1. Create analytics node in test/pages/base.
2. In cq:trackevents mention all the event names
3. In cq:trackvars mention all the prop and eVar
Implementation approach –
Create a new category ‘sitecatalyst-lib’ under
‘etc\clientlibs\gs-clientlibs’. We will include this js category at base page
so that it will be available to all the pages. Create js files here to capture all
the common onLoad events. For example country, language etc. Also put omniture plug-in js here to capture data like days since last visit.
Create js files at template level to capture all
the template level onLoad events.
Create js files at component level to capture
all the component level onClick events.
Could you please elaborate more on this? If you have any other references please do forward. I am currently integrating this and need this urgently.