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AEM Self-assessment | Beginner level

AEM Self-assessment
Beginner level

If you are learning AEM then you can access your knowledge based on following exercises. It will help you to increase your confidence level and you will be able to prove your knowledge. 

* I am assuming that 
  • You are new to AEM and have gone through your AEM 6.x study material .
  • You are here to check your readiness to make entry in AEM project.
  • Development -
    • What are the steps to create a template?
    • What are the steps to create a component?
    • How will you extend a template?
    • How will you decide that how many number of templates are required?
    • How will you extend a component?
    • How will you override an existing component?
    • How will you override component dialog?
    • How many html/JSPs you will create in your component and why?
    • How will you use selectors with components to render different variation?
    • How will you change the value in jcr:content using CRXDE?
    • What is the url to open crxde?
    • What is the url to open package manager?
    • How will you create a package that contains only your template and component?
    • What will be your strategy to create Header & Footer component?
    • How will you define the applicable components for a template?
    • How will you create a package that will contain only content?
    • How will you create multi-field dialog?
    • How will you activate a page with/without workflow?
    • How will you setup Vault plugin in eclipse?
    • Where will you create clientlibs?
    • How will you include clientlibs in component/template?
    • How will you create author level clientlib?
    • Can you create column control component?
    • How will you apply WCM mode check in JSP/HTML?
    • Can you create list component that list the child pages title?
    • How will you set default values in component's dialog?
    • How will you create drop down selection in dialog?
    • How will you create a servlet and filter?
    • Where do you define the path of servlet and how will you call it?
    • How will you OSGi service?
    • How will you start or stop an OSGi service?
    • How will you setup maven project for AEM?

  • Admin -
    • How will you create user and groups?
    • How will you restrict a group's access on a page?
    • How will you change the log level from felix console?
    • How will you start and stop a bundle?
    • How will you check why bundle is not coming up?
  • Debug -
    • How will you start server in debug mode?
    • How will you connect your eclipse with AEM
    • If page is not rendering at all, where will you check logs?
  • General -
    • How will you start AEM server using command line?
    • How will you stop the server?
    • How will you set the run mode?
    • How will you create configurations per run mode?
    • What all patches you need to apply while setting up server?
    • What are the different ways to set license key in AEM server?
    • How will you connect author to publisher?
    • How will you connect publisher with dispatcher?
    • How will you clean dispatcher cache?
    • How will you take backup of your content?
    • How will you move changes from AEM to eclipse if you made changes in CRXDE?
    • How will you setup maven profiles to deploy code on author and publisher?
    • How will you decide that how many bundles you should create in a project?
    • How will you deploy a bundle from felix console?
    • What is the right way to uninstall a bundle?
    • How will you replicate the changes to publish from CRXDE?
    • How will you replicate a package?
    • Where will you check if replication was successful?
    • How will you upload assets in AEM?
I believe if you know answer of all these questions then you are good to make a successful entry in an AEM project. 

There are lots of good AEM articles on internet. Go through them, find answers if you don't know. 

Let me know if you need any help in the answer of these questions.


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