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AEM - Why should enterprises use it

AEM - Why should enterprises use it

AEM is one of the fastest-growing content management platforms today, used by major corporations. There are various reasons AEM has become the obvious choice for them. Leading reasons which I see are -
  • Simplification -
    • It provides simplified authoring experience with the help of components and templates.
    • It simplifies the management and delivery of websites' content and assets.
    • Using user-friendly interfaces and wizards, create and customize web communities that match your brand identity.
  • Reduced Complexity -
    • Reduces the complexity of delivering online experiences to the right customers. 
  • Easy Integration -
    • Easy integration with industry famous Adobe products -
    • AEM is a component of the Adobe's Adobe Marketing Cloud, which is a suite of solutions that integrate with AEM such as -
      • Adobe Target, 
      • Adobe Analytics, 
      • Adobe Campaign, 
      • Adobe Social, 
      • Adobe Primetime, 
      • Adobe Media Optimizer and 
      • Adobe Audience Manager
    • This can make your life easy
  • Out of the box modules -
    • AEM comes with modules - 
      • Sites 
      • Assets
      • Mobile, Forms, and 
      • Communities. 
    • These modules provides comprehensive content management solution for building websites, mobile apps and forms to manage your marketing content and assets more easily.
  • Reduced implementation time -
    • Mobile application development -
      • With new AEM 6 features, you can build and manage mobile sites and responsive designs from one single platform.
    • eCommerce application development -
      • AEM Sites module has tools to optimize shopping carts, sync product information from other systems like e-commerce platform, and generate pages from catalog data.
    • Multi language site development -
      • AEM provides multi-language site development. 
      • This is especially helpful for organizations who need to manage many sites across many regions and languages. 
      • With Sites, they can all be controlled from one centralized place.
  • Unified digital experience -
    • Send a unified digital experience from different devices such as desktop to tablet to smart phone and to on-location screens.
  • Easy campaign -
    • Provides the ability to manage and launch marketing campaigns from one central location. 
    • Also organize and store your assets in Sites so they can be easily accessed and used for all of your campaigns.
  • Easy asset variation creation -
    • Develop unlimited and customized variations of assets including format, size, color and zoom, by working with only one set of assets.
    • These assets are easily integrated with the Creative Cloud so that you can bridge creative and marketing workflows. 
    • This helps you to deliver consistent quality experiences.
    • Assets can be accessed and managed from the cloud.
  • Out of the box Video variation support -
    • Create, manage, analyze and serve up interactive, responsive and optimized videos to all devices and screens.
  • Easy meta data assignment -
    • With Adobe Assets, you can automatically assign metadata and tags to all of your assets. 
    • Also instantly create collections of assets that are self-updating and shareable across your teams.
  • Easy Personalization -
    • Deliver personalized and targeted experiences to enhance engagement.
    • Present the best form experience based on location, customer profile and device; make forms more easy to find.
    • Create interactive, personalized statements that can be accessed anytime from anywhere.
  • Out of the box Powerful workflows -
    • Users can design workflows for planning, creating, reviewing, approving, and managing asset production.
    • Develop automated workflows, and merge form data and documents with your existing systems.
  • Out of the box Powerful Form implementation -
    • Users can complete forms using help text and video, responsive interfaces, electronic signing, and pre-filled fields.
    • Adobe Forms provides proactive security and tracking of sensitive documents.


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